Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chronolux 1.0 Beta for Sketchup 8M1

Description: Extension for Google Sketchup written on Ruby. Its goal is to test insolation duration and SVF.

1) install the program using installer or unpack files from zip-file:
- "chronolux_ext.rb" and "Chronolux" folder unpack to Google Sketchup "Plugins" folder
- "chronolux.strings" and "chronolux" folder from "Resources/en-US" unpack to Google Sketchup "Resources/en-US" forlder
2) enable "LSS Chronolux Toolbar" Sketchup Main Menu>>View>>Toolbars>> LSS Chronolux Toolbar
3) open a Sketchup model, where insolation and/or SVF testing is to be made (model has to be geo-located)
3) add some test points to perform insolation and/or SVF testing

ver. 1.0. video:

Terms and Definitions
Duration of Insolation at a given point is the time period while direct sunlight reaches the test point.
Insolation is the solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface. It is measured by the amount of solar energy received per square centimetre per minute. (Note, that Chronolux does not calculate insolation, but only its duration).
SVF (sky view factor) is the extent of sky observed from a point as a proportion of the total possible sky hemisphere. (A Dictionary of Earth Sciences | 1999 | AILSA ALLABY and MICHAEL ALLABY).

ver 1.0 beta 1
- resource file (chronolux.strings) has a proper syntax now
- some patches were added in code to avoid encoding issues in localized versions

Visit project web-site for more info: