Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Curve control points ver. 1.0.

Ctrlpnts.rb plugin for Sketchup 6.0, which adds control construction points to curves
Download link to ctrlpnts.rb.

How to use:
1) put “ctrlpnts.rb” to “Google SketchUp 6\Plugins” folder
2) start SketchUp 6
3) draw arc curve, freehand curve or make a curve from a set of edges (use Rick Wilson's 'weld.rb' plugin)
4) select curve, right-click on it, then choose “Add control points to the curve” command from the context menu:"Curve Control Points Settings" dialog box appears, specify how many control points you want to add and select appropriate "Curve vertices 'behaviour': ", then click "OK"
5) you may move added construction points to change processed curve shape

Known issues:
- script does not work properly with closed curves
- moving more than one control point at a time does not work yet (ver. 1.0. processes only one control point change event for now)

ver. 1.0. demo video:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

[Plugin] 2 Faces + Path

ver. 1.0.
Download link

Plug-in, which creates blended object from 2 faces + path curve.

How to use:
1) put “pathface.rb” to “Google SketchUp 6\Plugins” folder
2) start SketchUp 6
3) draw 2 faces and one curve then select them
4) choose “Plugins>> 2 Faces + Path” command from the main menu or from the context menu

ver. 1.2.
functionality added:
- adjustment curve processing added (it is available by choosing a command from the context menu, when blended group is selected, refer to ver. 1.2. demo video)

bug fixes:
- statistic report fixed

Known issues:
- adjustment curve usage for tracks group generates intermediate faces also
- initial faces changing discards adjustment curve
fixing of issues demands major refactoring

ver. 1.2. features videos (set of 2 videos):

Friday, August 14, 2009

[Plugin] Blend for Sketchup

Link to download sublend.rb

Little plug-in, which creates intermediate curves from two existing ones.

1) put “sublend.rb” to “Google SketchUp 6\Plugins” folder
2) start SketchUp 6
3) draw 2 curves then select them
4) choose “Plugins>> Blend” command from the main menu
5) “Blend Settings” input box appears, specify "Steps count" (how many intermediate lines you want to generate) and click “Ok”

Versions history:
ver. 1.1
Functionality added:
- faces and one segment lines processing added
- surface generation from intermediate contours added
- some exception handling added (if no objects selected, then warning message box appears)
Bug fixes:
- steps count fixed (+1 step)
ver. 1.2
Functionality added:
- more exception handling added
- the surface formed by intermediate curves appears smoother now

ver. 1.3
Functionality added:
- all actions are joined to revert the drawing back by a single 'undo' command
- 'Surface only (supress contours)' option added- contours are joined to a single group now
ver. 1.4
Bug fixes:
- more exception processing were added to prevent known issues (complex geometry caused previous versions of the script failures)
- now if it is not possible to draw intermediate faces (some times intermediate points become non coplanar) script draws intermediate curves

ver. 1.6
Functionality added:
- selection filter added (script searches for 2 faces first, then 2 curves, then 2 edges single segment lines) now sublend appears to be more selection tolerant
- blending between face and curve, face and edge, curve and edge were added

Bug fixes:
- missing triangles of mesh when 2 curves or edges processes (the bug of ver. 1.5.)

Known issues:
- undo seems to work insufficient some times for the reason I don't know yet
- color blending refuses to blend alpha (opacity amount)

ver. 1.7.
Functionality added:
- blending between construction point and other supported entity types added (now face, curve and edge can be degraded to a point)
- "Blend" command added to the context menu

Bug fixes:
- selection filter updated
ver. 1.8
Functionality added:
- interaction with initial entities added (ver. 1.8. supports interaction with face/face, face/construction point)
Bug fixes:
- back face color blending fixed

ver. 1.9.
Functionality added:
- progress bar added (it is required while color blended mesh processes)
- color blended mesh generates smoothed now

Bug fixes:
- alpha channel blending fixed
- 'undo' processing fixed

ver. 1.11.
Functionality added:
- blending adjustment curve processing added (allows to set non-linear distribution of intermediate steps, refer to the demo video)
Bug fixes:
- statistic report fixed

Known issues:
- when processing adjustment curve for tracks group, faces appear also
- any change of one of the initial objects discards adjustment curve
fixing of issues demands major refactoring

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Points2Mesh for SketchUp

ver 1.1.
New features added:
1) averaging method of 3d mesh generation
2) generated mesh statistic information (script puts it to Ruby Console)

ver. 1.2.
New features added:
1) minimizing mesh length method added
2) drawing of horizontal contours command added

Version 1.2. new features demo video:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Points2Mesh for SketchUp

Link to pnts2mesh.rb: http://files.mail.ru/FOCTG0

Little plug-in, which creates approximate 3d mesh from a set of selected construction points.

1) put “pnts2mesh.rb” to “Google SketchUp 6\Plugins” folder
2) start SketchUp 6
3) draw some construction points (or import dxf file with points cloud)
4) select a set of construction points, which you want to be processed, on the screen
5) choose “Plugins>> Create 3d mesh from construction points...” command from the main menu
6) “Mesh Settings” input box appears, specify appropriate values for “Cells count” and click “Ok” (note: big values of “Cells count” takes a lot of time to process)

Videos of usage:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Relief Master 1.7

Link to RMaster_1_7.zip download: http://files.mail.ru/EIIEST

“Minimize Length” algorithm optimized. It provides the same result but much faster now (depends on program settings, especially “Cells to check length” value).