How to use:
Non Interactive Way
1) put “crvsmth.rb” to “Google SketchUp 6\Plugins” folder
2) start SketchUp 6
3) draw curve or make curve from a set of edges using Rick Wilson's 'weld.rb' plugin
4) select curve, right-click on it, then choose “Geom Interpolation...” command from the context menu
Interactive Way
1) choose "Draw Geom Interpolated Curve..." command from "Plugins" item of the main menu
2) draw curve interactively (it begins to appear after the 3-rd point placing)
3) hit
ver 1.1.
New functions:
- curve control points added to change curve shape interactively
- "Delete initial curve" option added
Bug fixes:
- closed curve processing fixed
- first and last curve segments processing implemented
ver. 1.2.
New features:
- interactive drawing of the curve is added
- control points recall across sessions is implemented
ver. 1.3.
New features:
- interactive curve edititing added
ver. 1.3. demo video: