Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Inverted Sierpinski Carpet in Sketchup

The interesting thing about Sierpinski Carpet is that its area technically equals 0...
Does it mean, that cumulative area of its holes equals the area of whole carpet within its boundaries or what?...
And it is actually not the only mystical mind-bending property of this purely theoretical shape. The other thing (I bet you will enjoy it too) is that, as crazy as it sounds, the Sierpinski Carpet is supposed to have a fractional dimension of 1.89. Yes it doesn't occupy two dimensions. Or one... It manages to exist in fractional dimensions.
Anyway here is a little tutorial, which shows how to draw 3, 4, 5 iterations of 'inverted' Sierpinski Carpet in Sketchup. The term 'inverted' means that its holes are processed instead of its 'non-hole' part.

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